
Hi, I'm Michael, welcome to my new website. I'm a programmer from Nottingham, UK. I like creating cool things and visiting places. In my spare time I like to play DOTA 2 and procastinate at learning Japanese.

I made this site predominantly to advance my knowledge of Django, Python and the Google App Engine framework (when I first started I had just moved onto a Django project with my employer). Addtionally, I thought it would be a good opportunity to further my knowledge of Japanese by giving me some material to translate in my fields of interest.

I expect I will be writing about a range of topics, including programming, DOTA, Japan (or travelling in general). There is also an album page, which will have photographs from my travels, and other images I find interesting.

If you would like to provide any feedback, I'd be excited to receive it. Please contact me at [email protected] .
